Wednesday, February 3, 2016

RAEB-1 Plans

Found out the chemo I was on (Gleevec) for 2 months, did not work to lower my blast cells (in fact they are ever so slightly higher ), nor did it fix any of the genetic abnormalities.  Next step, Vidaza, which is a more stringent chemo than the Gleevec we tried.  The plan is to see if this works to lower my blasts.  It works slowly so we wont know if works until I've been on it for 3-6 months.  Biopsy in 6 months to confirm.

Either way a transplant for me is inevitable and better sooner than later due to the transplant risks involved which increase the older you get.  My MDS is categorized as RAEB-1 which is intermediate to high risk.

Onward and upward!

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