Thursday, February 11, 2016

Reality and Recovery

My cousin is gone.  I still have cancer.

Trying to figure out where to go from here.  Being on disability has not afforded me the luxuries of baking cookies for my kids or helping them get off to school in the mornings.  Most of my time is spent napping, enduring one indignity or another (the latest is colitis..woo hoo!), trying to get my disability payments on track (even if you are missing all four limbs, you have to prove this every month!) and then there's the medical bills.

We got the bills I owe and can pay.
We got the bills I owe and cannot pay.
We got the setting up of payment plans for the bills I cannot pay.
And then we got the bills that were denied by the insurance company due to a "coding" problem.

I really wish that my reality was that I was steadily recovering and had time to do all the things my mind and body want to do...

....fucking MDS!

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