Sunday, January 10, 2016


  • Oncologist
  • Hemotologist
  • Rheumatologist
  • Dermatologist
  • Radiologist
  • 3 X-rays
  • 2 CT Scans
  • 1 Biopsy
  • A hearing test
  • A balance test
  • An Ova & Parasite test

All of this PLUS the endless blood work and somehow EVERYTHING IS NEGATIVE....WTF? How can all of these test results be negative when the symptoms still exist?  This reminds me of that show "Monsters Inside Me" because just like the folks on that show, I have been suffering for a long time--with inflammation (which you can't see) and rash that is actually pretty eye-catching (ie: you can't miss it)--yet conventional diagnostic testing yields no answers.  I am beginning to get the feeling that people think this is all in my head.

Today my arms and hands hurt and we are back to limited range of motion.  Ive been trying to get OFF of Prednisone for 6 months now and I'm down to 15mg per day, but with the pain ramping up again is increasing the amount of steroids I take each day the only answer for me?

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