Tuesday, April 5, 2016


So I am about to cross over to the other side: my Short Term Disability (STD) turns into Long Term Disability (LTD) on April 7th which reduces my salary to only 60%.

Diving into the unknown, I do nothing but crunch numbers every day.  I consider myself a good thinker so that's what I do.  All day. Long.

"How can I pay my mortgage?"
"How can I pay for my son's insulin?"
"How can I pay for our family's healthcare?"
"How can I pay our car note?"

I've been told I'm a little high strung.  As a Type A personality I am very faithful to the cause; I stress myself out daily.  I find all of those platitudes and all the advice about not sweating the small stuff or taking things day by day are patently ridiculous! Planning ahead is not only important, it is critical for people like us who have cancer and are headed toward poor.

I will give myself credit for reducing the amount of stress I allow into my life since being diagnosed, although you might not see the difference if you didn't know me before.  'You mean you get more stressed than this?!'  Yes.  Yes I do.  

1 comment:

  1. Do you have any personal fundraisers going? PM me and I will provide details about our efforts.
